
18 February 2013

I'm Back (Update)

I honestly thought I would never be back on here again. I think I actually said I would never blog again.  I've been contemplating writing a post for the past 2 months but never could. Apparently, today is the day. So much has happened since the last time I posted which was back in September. That is when everything changed. In September, my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child. We found out on the exact date that I dreamed about. Our due date was on our wedding anniversary. It was as if all the the stars aligned and we had the perfect ending to our 19 month struggle with infertility. We had our testimony. Only at 10 weeks, on October 12, I had a miscarriage. Definitely the worst thing that I've had to ever go through. I even had to have surgery for the first time. These past several months have truly been trying. The next few posts will detail my experience with miscarriage and dealing with life after loss. Please continue to keep me lifted in prayer. Until next time.


Jessica B said...

Lisa, I can only imagine the pain that you have gone through over the past few months. I'm so proud of you for posting. A big step!

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