
01 September 2012

Juicy Pork Chops

I made pork chops on Thursday. It's always a treat for my husband because I don't cook pork often. These chops were the BOMB.COM. They were very juicy and flavorful. I seasoned the 4 pork chops with a little bit of seasoned salt, garlic powder, parsley and worcestershire sauce. I let it marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours. Here are the instructions on how to cook the pork chops. This technique doesn't take long and makes the pork chops really moist.


theartistinme said...

I love pork chops.I grew up with them and they are like the other white meat.Especially when you get soo tired of eating chicken.However my husband does not eat pork so I don't even waste my money on buying a pack of chops,especially if I have to make a second meat for someone else.But reading your blog about them makes me want them even more...aahh! how I miss pork... Chops,Bacon,Sausage and Ham.

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